I finally feel ready to take on a bigger project, so I am. I would like to be finished by October 31st. What is this project you may be asking, well of course it's an animation. The twist is that I want to complete somewhere between 20 to 30 seconds of a certain sequence (More Roughly animated, Not lined or colored but ready to be lined).
This project is based off of a story concept I've had for a while, it's called Casket Queen. Simply put it's a story about a Priest and a Vampire that he finds in a coffin of his church's basement. I won't get into much more currently but look forward to hearing more about this in the future.
Before August is complete I would like to have the rough designs finished and at least a rough animatic down. I would like to spend September and October Animating the different shots but if this projects takes longer than that I will gladly keep working late into November and December. Look forward to it!